Mitch Miller is interested in entropy catalyzed by people. His work, Natural Selections, provides spaces for visitors to launch arrows at spinning and exploding targets. These spaces remain active for up to three months during which many targets are destroyed. Mitch assembles the shrapnel of these targets into subjective representations of people who participated in the event. Iterations of Natural Selections have been very popular; for instance, a solo exhibition at Big Orbit Gallery in Buffalo, NY was extended by an extra month due to popular demand by the surrounding community. He recently received a Masters of Landscape Architecture from Arizona State University and is currently designing a public park for an international artist residency program, Stove Works, in Chattanooga, TN. The park is designed to be a sustainable multi-use cultural space and community conduit.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Pollock-Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Ford Foundation, and Andy Warhol grants have supported Mitch’s work. He exhibits nationally and internationally in galleries, art fairs, and museums. The DUMBO arts festival (NYC), Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (AZ), Doosan Gallery (NYC), Center for Cultural Innovation in San Jose (CA), universities around the country and art fairs around the world have hosted Mitch for presentations on his work.